Thank you to Cassill Motors for their generous support of BE BRAVE 2024!
Treatment Centers & Locators
Iowa Opioid Help
If you or someone you know has Opioid Use Disorder, the first step to recovery is finding a provider that can help. Whether you’re looking to start MAT, get counseling, or generally learn more about the illness, having an expert on your side is the best way to turn your life around. Find treatment centers in Iowa using their map as a reference, and contact a provider near you. This Integrated Provider Network (IPN) is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.
SAMHSA Treatment Finder
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
United Way 211
211 is a free, comprehensive information and referral system linking Iowa residents to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and governmental programs. 211 is a one-stop source of information for people looking for services.
Text: Text your zip code to 898211
Toll Free: 2-1-1
Your Life Iowa Facility Locator
With Your Life Iowa, you and your loved ones are never alone. Whether you want more information about how to help someone, would like to connect to a treatment professional or just want to talk to someone who cares, they're there for you.
Call: (855) 581-8111
Text: (855) 895-8398