CRUSH of Iowa
Recovery Community Center
Thank you to Cassill Motors for their generous support of BE BRAVE 2024!
Support Groups & Services
CRUSH Recovery Community Center Hosts The Following Groups:
Family & Friends Support Group
This discussion-based group is open to anyone dealing with a substance use disorder of any type and at any stage of their recovery. Friends, family, and community members that have been impacted are also welcome.
-Every first and third Wednesday of the month at 6 PM
Creative Coping Skills Support Group
Come create, connect, and express yourself through art in this experimental group therapy facilitated by Fred Mischler.
-Tuesdays from 3PM to 6PM
Narcotics Anonymous
Meets at noon Monday thru Friday
Monday night at 6pm
Friday night at 7pm
Foundation 2 Crisis Services
(Before attending for the first time, we ask that you please call the Foundation 2 Mobile Crisis Outreach at 319-362-2174 and talk with someone about attending group.)
Suicide Survivors Bereavement
When you lose someone to suicide, you may find that it is the kind of death, and grief, that most people are very uncomfortable talking about. This group hosted at Foundation 2 will help you put aside that discomfort to get the help you need.
The group is open to spouses, brothers or sisters, parents, adult children, or friends of suicide victims. Survivors at any stage of their grieving process are welcome.
-Meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, 6-7:30 p.m.
12-Step Meetings
Group therapy and 12-step programs have been helping people get, and stay, sober for decades. These groups are held every day, everywhere. Find support groups in your own community now, and get the help you need to maintain a happy, healthy, and sober lifestyle.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Al-Anon and Alateen groups are for those who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. Use the meeting finder to find a virtual or in-person meeting near you.
Parent Partners
The Parent Partner (mentor) is a key strategy to improving practice with families, but it cannot stand alone. Parent Partners network within communities and collaborate with social workers and providers to meet the needs of families, assist in policy and program development, change perceptions in communities, and facilitate trainings and learning opportunities.
- Contact for more information​
Julie Clark-Albrecht
Psychology Today Support Group Finder
Use the Psychology Today finder to explore therapists, treatment centers, psychiatrists, support groups, and more near you.​​